4.1 Project Overview

Overview of Project ☁️

In this project, we'll be building a language translation bot using Amazon Lex.

If you want to translate a word or sentence into another language, all you have to do is type it into the chatbot - and it will output the translation.

Steps to be performed 👩‍💻

In the next few lessons, we'll be going through the following steps.

  1. Creating an empty chatbot
  2. Specifying intents and slots
  3. Specify Fulfilment
  4. Create an IAM role
  5. Create a Lambda function
  6. Test the Lambda function
  7. Test the chatbot

Services Used 🛠

  • Amazon Lex: Build the chatbot and define conversation flow.
  • AWS Lambda: Get the book recommendation using a third party API.
  • AWS IAM: Ensures secure access by managing user permissions.
  • Amazon Translate: Used for translation of the sentence according to the input language specified.

Estimated Time & Cost ⚙️

  • This project is estimated to take about 1-2 Hours
  • Cost: Free (When using the AWS Free Tier)

➡️ Architectural Diagram

This it the architectural diagram for the project:

➡️ Final Result

This is what your project will look like, once built:

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